
“My group explores sustainable battery technology, especially at the material level,” said Lin Ma, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering. “This technology has been successful in cell phones and electric vehicles; the results, however, are limited.”

Anthony Bombik’s passion for batteries dates to the advent of Tesla’s electric vehicle. Today the expertise he’s developed around this passion is making EV battery packs safer and more efficient.

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Amir Ghasemi has long looked at engineering from the inside out. In the case of autonomous vehicles, however, an objective view from the outside in is equally important. His ability to look both ways is evident in the specialized expertise he brings to BATT CAVE.

Artur Wolek’s dreams have long focused on robotics and unmanned systems. Where once he tinkered with and worked on mechatronics projects — those that unite the principles of mechanics, electronics and computing — as a hobby while growing up, he now calls BATT CAVE home for his research.